Playa Samara, Carrillo, Javilla
50 m west of Calle Intercultura, oceanfront, Javilla
Endless Beach 2-3, Плайя-Фламинго
Camino Driftwood 88 Playa Pelada, Сан-Хуанилло
Playa Tamarindo Pacific Coast of Costa Rica,, Тамариндо
200 m to the east and 800 m north of the national bank of Tamarindo, Гуанакасте
100 mts west from Soda Teresita, Playas del Coco., Ко́ко
ococtal beach, 50503 Ocotal, Costa Rica, Ель-Окотал
350 meters South from the Ferry station Naranjo,, Javilla
300 meters south from SUPER 2001, Тамариндо
200 Metros Oeste del Banco Nacional, Javilla
Unit 13, Green Forest of Coco Beach, Плайя-Фламинго
Avenue España Playa Langosta,Avenue España, Тамариндо